Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Sister Kathleen Mary

Kathleen_2SISTER KATHLEEN MARY          ND 4564                ⇒ PDF Download
(formerly Sister Mary Margaret Rose)

Kathleen Therese LONGEWAY

Mary Immaculate Province, Toledo, Ohio, USA

Date and Place of Birth: December 18, 1931 Toledo, Ohio
Date and Place of Profession: August 13, 1952 Toledo, Ohio
Date and Place of Death: July 7, 2013 Toledo, Ohio
Date and Place of Funeral: July 11, 2013 Toledo, Ohio
Date and Place of Burial: July 11, 2013 Resurrection Cemetery, Toledo, Ohio

Born into the loving family of Thomas and Ethel LaPlante Longeway, Kathleen was the youngest of six children. With her siblings, she attended St. Ann School in Toledo and grew in her love of learning which generated a desire to follow in the footsteps of her teachers, the Sisters of Notre Dame. She shared how delighted her parents were when she told them of her desire to be an aspirant of Notre Dame upon graduation from eighth grade.

In January of 1950, she entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame and on August 16, assumed the name of Sister Mary Margaret Rose, later changed back to her baptismal name of Kathleen. Following her first profession of vows, Sister began her years dedicated to the ministry of education. For fifty-five years she had the joy of teaching children in the primary grades. Especially dear to her were the years when she was privileged to prepare God’s little ones for First Communion.

Music was an important part of Sister’s life. She loved to sing and had the ability to remember lyrics to many songs especially those from popular musicals. Sister joined the parish choir wherever she was missioned and would serve as a cantor whenever she had the opportunity. Participating in song fests and listening to music brought immense joy into her life at times when illness and pain weighted her down.

Sister Kathleen Mary walked quietly in our midst; hers was a gentle and kind soul. She was quick to offer her services wherever and whenever needed in community life. She loved to cook and was a good cook.

In early 2010 Sister Kathleen Mary experienced complications following knee replacement surgery. It necessitated her moving to Ursuline Center where she could receive the care and therapy she needed. The recovery she hoped for never was fully realized, but she lived with a surrender marked by contentment and gratitude for all that was done for her.

On the morning of July 7, at the Ursuline Center, Sister Kathleen Mary quietly slipped into the eternal peace of heaven in her 81st year of life and her 61st year of religious profession.

We have been blessed with her presence among us and we rejoice that she is now with the angels and saints of God singing his praises for all eternity.

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